

‘I am Bread’ is the latest quirky adventure from the creators. This isn't the best thing since sliced bread . . . it is sliced bread! Mashable - 'After years of waiting, we can be Bread' Touch Arcade - 'Feels like the pinnacle of all humanity's accomplishments' Wired - 'I am Bread is the strangest game you will play this yea OMG, this is wicked hard! Balance your I am Bread Wicked Pixel on the line by tapping left and right of the screen. Whatever you do, DO NOT DROP IT!


피플 추천

이 버전의 새로운 기능

‘I am Bread’ is the latest quirky adventure from the creators. This isn't the best thing since sliced bread . . . it is sliced bread! Mashable - 'After years of waiting, we can be Bread' Touch Arcade - 'Feels like the pinnacle of all humanity's accomplishments' Wired - 'I am Bread is the strangest game you will play this yea OMG, this is wicked hard! Balance your I am Bread Wicked Pixel on the line by tapping left and right of the screen. Whatever you do, DO NOT DROP IT!


  • ‘I am Bread’ is the latest quirky adventure from the creators. This isn't the best thing since sliced bread . . . it is sliced bread! Mashable - 'After years of waiting, we can be Bread' Touch Arcade

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