무료앱에서 바로 구매 기능 제공
+ 앱에서 바로 구매 기능 제공


“Learn to Read & Save the Animals” – is an educational game for kids from 4 to 7 years who learn how to read in English. The evil Snow Queen has frozen the letters of the English alphabet and the poor animals were taken into the icy captivity. Only your smart kid can save the animals. In order to do that your child has to learn English letters and combine them into words, which represent the names of the captured animals. It’s not a big secret that many kids can face difficulties learning to read in English, because English letters in real words have different pronunciation rules in comparison with their sounds in the English alphabet. “Learn to Read & Save the Animals” educational game offers efficient Phonics techniques in order to learn how to read in English. During the process of playing the educational game the children will hear the sound of each English letter in exactly the same way as it’s pronounced in the shown word. It allows your child to understand the rules of English word reading on the subconscious level. Kid will simply feel how to pronounce the English words, without suffering and trying to find the transcription of the word in thick English dictionaries. The game offers 3 educational levels free of charge. The full version contains the total of 16 educational levels allocated by the level of complexity. Words of the very first level contain just 2 or letters, while the words of the last level may have up to 7 or even 8 letters.


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이 앱에는 다음과 같은 기능에 대한 권한이 있습니다.

인터넷 연결에 액세스


Microsoft 계정에 로그인한 상태에서 이 앱을 다운로드한 후 최대 10대의 Windows 10 디바이스에 설치할 수 있습니다.

지원되는 언어

English (United States)

이 제품 보고

로그인 이 게임을 Microsoft에 보고하세요.
신고하기 이 제품은 불법 콘텐츠임

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