

Welcome to the Mahjong Universe board game, also known as Mahjong Solitaire, one of the most popular puzzle games in the world. Mahjong Universe doesn't take much time, so you can play it anywhere and as much as you like, even offline. Mahjong Universe offers many sets of differently-themed tiles. Play and earn coins. Unlock new mahjong sets with magic diamonds. Mahjong Universe also lets you win prizes every day by spinning the wheel, where we offer coins and valuable diamonds. Take apart tiles of varying difficulty. Find pairs of identical pieces on the board as fast as possible, setting new speed records. This version of mahjong is better than others because: 🆕 New mahjong sets are available in weekly updates. 🌐 This game works offline (you only need to connect 1 time to download shapes). 🀄 There's a large selection of differently themed game tiles. 🀣 There are lots of playable figures. ⏱️ It offers different levels of difficulty. 🏆 Prize drawings are held every day! 🍬 And many more interesting things! 😉 We've definitely got surprises in store for you. Join us! The ancient game of mahjong is also known as Mah Jong, Mahjong Solitaire, Taipei Mahjong, Shanghai Mah-Jong, Mahjongg Trails, Chinese Mahjong, Mahjong Titans, and Mahjong Dragon. Play this mind game, and have fun! Leave your comments on the game, and help develop it!


피플 추천


  • 🀄 This is a unique large collection of Mahjongs

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Mahjong Solitaire





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