

Robotic Wars A Fun Battle Game! Do you like fantasy weapons/magic well this game is for you! Customize your own robot with lots of Amazing outfits. Such as a bee, donut, alien, and many more! new costumes come to the shop every single day. GameModes -TeamFight - drop into an island and play an 8v8. The first team to 20 kills wins! -Zombies - drop into an island and play Co-op and take down those zombies. Many new game modes will be coming out soon! these are just some of the few great ones in the game currently! Earn amazing rewards when winning or even just playing the game! Secrets what secrets can you discover about the game? where did these robots come from? why are they on an island? Powers -Magic - turn invisible for a few seconds -Fire - do 2x the damage for 10 seconds -water - create a massive wave doing lots of damage to enemy -rock - create a big rock barrier to help protect you


이 버전의 새로운 기능

Version 0.05 New Celebrations! Dance and celebrate your victory with your friends! -Ui Changes *Bug Fixes* Zombies mode adding waves every second is now fixed GameMode Change mid-game is now fixed Saving Data is now fixed


  • multiplayer, game modes, new costomization

추가 정보


Penguin Games 06


DylanR06 Games



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12세 이상

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