무료앱에서 바로 구매 기능 제공
+ 앱에서 바로 구매 기능 제공


Spider Solitaire Epic has 2500 levels you can win. You may think that 2500 isn't a big number, but if you spend 20 minutes per day playing this game, you will still need 2+ years to complete all levels. The game starts with levels of one suit. But as you progress, the levels will become more challenging and you will get more and more levels with 2 or 4 suits. Compete with people around the world and be the first to complete all levels. Ready for this epic challenge? Start playing now! ★ ★ ★ FEATURES ★ ★ ★ ✓ 2500 winnable games ✓ Hundreds of hours of relaxing fun, easy to play and more challenging as you advance through the levels! ✓ 1 suit, 2 suits and 4 suits games ✓ Advanced Hint option for when you run out of ideas ✓ Unlimited Undo ✓ Tap to move cards and enjoy a swift gameplay ✓ Natural animations, relaxing graphics and a very intuitive interface ✓ Personalize how the cards look (back and front) or pick a different background for the game ★ Support and Feedback If you have any technical problems, please email us directly at support@gsoftteam.com. Please, don’t leave support problems in our comments – we don’t check those regularly and it will take longer to fix any issues that you might encounter. Thank you for your understanding!


피플 추천


  • 2500 winnable games
  • Hundreds of hours of relaxing fun, easy to play and more challenging as you advance through the levels!
  • 1 suit, 2 suits and 4 suits games
  • Advanced Hint option for when you run out of ideas
  • Unlimited Undo
  • Tap to move cards and enjoy a swift gameplay
  • Natural animations, relaxing graphics and a very intuitive interface
  • Personalize how the cards look (back and front) or pick a different background for the game

추가 정보


G Soft Team


© 2016-2022 G Soft Team. All rights reserved.


© 2016-2022 G Soft Team. All rights reserved.



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Microsoft 계정에 로그인한 상태에서 이 앱을 다운로드한 후 최대 10대의 Windows 10 디바이스에 설치할 수 있습니다.

지원되는 언어

English (United States)

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로그인 이 게임을 Microsoft에 보고하세요.
신고하기 이 제품은 불법 콘텐츠임

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