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Are you trying to learn Spanish? If so, you know that learning a foreign language can be tough thing to do. Luckily, learning Spanish is mostly memorization. English and Spanish are very close in structure that the main issue is learning the words. So what do schools do? They teach you to repeat the words over and over and over until you memorize them. This app takes a majority of the most common words and phrases and let's you do just that. These are specially designed flash cards to speed up your rate of learning. They are broken off into groups to make it a lot easier. Take this app with you anywhere on a laptop or cell phone. If you have a few minutes to spare (on the train, on a bus, at a doctor's office or during a television commercial break), then practice off a few phrases. Use your wasted time to learn the basics of Spanish. In a short time, you too can have it down. Version 1.00 has the following sections. More will be added in future updates: BASIC: Adjectives -oa -a -os -as, Adjective Unisex, Adverbs, Adverbs Multi-Word, Adverbs + de, Alphabet, Pronouns, Pronunciation & Questions. MISC.: Colors, Communication, Days of the Week, Expressions, False Spanglish, Greetings, Household Things, Key Words, Months of the Year & Seasons, Precious Stones, Spanglish & Special Occasions. VERBS: Action Verbs, Non-Action Verbs, -ar, -ar Irregular, -arse, -arse Irregular, -er, -er Irregular, -erse, -ir, -ir Irregular, & -irse. - There are 2 main pronunciations of some Spanish words: 'Spain Spanish' and 'Latin-American Spanish'. The difference happens when there are two vowels together such as, "Puerto". In Spain, each vowel is pronounced seperately like "Pu" and then "er" However, in Latin-America they add a "W" before the vowels and then sler the two vowels together forming a singular vowel like "Pwer". Version 1.00 has the 'Spain Spanish' version. Usually, if you take Spanish in a school, they will teach the true 'Spain Spanish' version. It's easier to learn. In a future update we may add both versions. - This app is part of the "Study Whatty" series. By using it's engine there is the possibility of adding other games like trivia, word games, match games and more. You can look at the "Study Whatty: Poker Drills" app we did for some of the other games that the engine supports. The price is reduced now as it's just flash cards, but if there other games do get added, then the price will go up. By getting the app now, you are entitled to future updates.


피플 추천

이 버전의 새로운 기능

- Hotfix to allow this to run on ARM devices.


  • BASIC: Adjectives -oa -a -os -as, Adjective Unisex, Adverbs, Adverbs Multi-Word, Adverbs + de, Alphabet, Pronouns, Pronunciation & Questions.
  • MISC.: Colors, Communication, Days of the Week, Expressions, False Spanglish, Greetings, Household Things, Key Words, Months of the Year & Seasons, Precious Stones, Spanglish & Special Occasions.
  • VERBS: Action Verbs, Non-Action Verbs, -ar, -ar Irregular, -arse, -arse Irregular, -er, -er Irregular, -erse, -ir, -ir Irregular, & -irse.

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(C) SlifkerGames





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