var KEY_ESC = 27; $jq(document).ready(function () { var tips = []; // an array of tooltips // create a tooltip object for each input $('[aria-describedby]').each(function (index) { tips[index] = new atooltip($(this)); }); }); // end ready event // // tooltip() is a tooltip widget. It requires the element that has the tooltip to reference // the tooltip via aria-describedby. Normally this is a div that contains text // // @param ($id object) $id is the jquery object of the input or other element to bind the widget to // // @return N/A // function atooltip($id) { // define the object properties this.$id = $id; this.$tip = $('#' + $id.attr('aria-describedby')); this.mouseover = false; // set to true of the tooltip was displayed via mouseover. reset on mouseout this.focus = false; // set to true of the input has focus (prevent hide on mouseout) this.dismissed = false; // set to true of the user dismissed the tooltip with the esc key. Reset on blur this.position = { top: this.$id.position().top + 5, left: this.$id.position().left + this.$id.width() + 5 } // bind key handlers this.bindHandlers(); // perform initialization this.init(); } // end tooltip() constructor // // function init() is a member function to perform iniatialization for the widget. // // return N/A // atooltip.prototype.init = function () { // hide the tooltip this.hideTip(); // change the positioning of the tooltip to absolute this.$tip.css('position', 'absolute'); // set the position of the tooltip this.$tip.css('top', + 'px'); this.$tip.css('left', this.position.left + 'px'); } // end init() // function showTip() is a member function to display the tooltip // // @return N/A // atooltip.prototype.showTip = function () { this.computePosition(); // display the tooltip this.$tip.attr('aria-hidden', 'false'); } // end showtip() // // function hideTip() is a member function to hide the tooltip // // @return N/A // atooltip.prototype.hideTip = function () { // hide the tooltip this.$tip.attr('aria-hidden', 'true'); } // end hidetip() // // function bindHandlers() is a member function to bind event handlers to the input // // @return N/A // atooltip.prototype.bindHandlers = function () { var thisObj = this; this.$id.keydown(function (e) { return thisObj.handleKeyDown($(this), e); }); this.$id.mouseover(function (e) { return thisObj.handleMouseOver($(this), e); }); this.$id.mouseout(function (e) { return thisObj.handleMouseOut($(this), e); }); this.$id.focus(function (e) { return thisObj.handleFocus($(this), e); }); this.$id.blur(function (e) { return thisObj.handleBlur($(this), e); }); } // end bindHandlers() // // function handleKeyDown() is a member function to process keydown events for the input // // @param ($id object) $id is the jquery object of the element firing event // // @param (e object) e is the event object associated with the event // // @return (boolean) returns false if processing; true if doing nothing // atooltip.prototype.handleKeyDown = function ($id, e) { if (e.altKey || e.shiftKey || e.ctrlKey) { // do nothing return true; } if (e.keyCode == KEY_ESC) { this.hideTip(); this.dismissed = true; e.stopPropagation(); return false; } return true; } // end handleKeyDown() // // function handleMouseOver() is a member function to display the tooltip on mouseover // // @param ($id object) $id is the jquery object of the element firing event // // @param (e object) e is the event object associated with the event // // @return (boolean) returns false // atooltip.prototype.handleMouseOver = function ($id, e) { this.showTip(); // set the mouseover flag to prevent blur dismissing tooltip this.mouseover = true; e.stopPropagation(); return false; } // end handleMouseOver() // // function handleMouseOut() is a member function to hide the tooltip on mouseout. If the // input has focus and the user did not dismiss the tooltip, the tooltip is not hidden. // // @param ($id object) $id is the jquery object of the element firing event // // @param (e object) e is the event object associated with the event // // @return (boolean) returns false // atooltip.prototype.handleMouseOut = function ($id, e) { if (this.dismissed == true || this.focus == false) { this.hideTip(); } // reset the mouseover flag this.mouseover = false; e.stopPropagation(); return false; } // end handleMouseOut() // // function handleFocus() is a member function to display the tooltip on focus // // @param ($id object) $id is the jquery object of the element firing event // // @param (e object) e is the event object associated with the event // // @return (boolean) returns false // atooltip.prototype.handleFocus = function ($id, e) { this.showTip(); // set the focus flag to prevent mouseout from hiding the tooltip as long // as the input has focus this.focus = true; e.stopPropagation(); return false; } // end handleFocus() // // function handleBlur() is a member function to hide the tooltip on blur. The tooltip is not // hidden if the mouseover flag is true (i.e. tooltip was displayed via mouseover). // // @param ($id object) $id is the jquery object of the element firing event // // @param (e object) e is the event object associated with the event // // @return (boolean) returns false // atooltip.prototype.handleBlur = function ($id, e) { if (this.mouseover == false) { this.hideTip(); } // reset the focus and dismissed flags this.focus = false; this.dismissed = false; e.stopPropagation(); return false; } // end handleBlur() atooltip.prototype.computePosition = function () { this.position = { top: this.$id.position().top + 5, left: this.$id.position().left + this.$id.width() + 5 } // set the position of the tooltip this.$tip.css('top', + 'px'); this.$tip.css('left', this.position.left + 'px'); }