

Let's Play "9Ball Pool" game in full 3d environment with 3d physics. One of the most realistic and playable pool billiard games you have ever played. Game Play Modes: This unique billiard game offers two game play modes: Beat the Clock: in this mode you have to pot all the balls in given time. Two Player or Multi-Player Mode: You can play 9Ball Pool with your friends with standard 9Ball rules. Game Play: - Set cue ball in D when potted - When player 1 completes his shots then player 2 turns comes - Use chalk on stick for playing proper shots - Play with your friend on same device - Standard 9Ball rules apply For Tablet Device: - Press and hold the right half screen for clockwise and left half for anticlock rotation - Set ball movement right, left, top & bottom for spining ball accordingly For PC: - Press and hold the mouse left button on the right half screen for clockwise and left half for anticlock rotation - Set ball movement right, left, top & bottom with mouse for spining ball accordingly Feels like playing 9Ball Pool in a room. immature players can learn & play for fun, but experts can challenge there friends to play game professionally. Let's Play Ball Pool in 3D, become a master, and become 9Ball Pool Master.

Слики од екранот

На луѓето им се допаѓа и


  • Play live with your friends
  • Full High quality 3D environments
  • Full Billiard game physics applies
  • 2 Camera modes: Ariel & 3D mode

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Авторски права

AppTeeka Technology Limited

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Приближна големина

15,22 МБ

Рангирање по возраст

Од 7 години нагоре



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English (United States)

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