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A hang glider mounted on a dirt bike? If that sounds like fun to you then this is the racing game for you! Once you’ve got the glider mounted on your dirt bike, you’ll spend a lot of time in the air. Especially if you combine it with a nitro booster. Woohoo! Racing Dash through the tracks and race against others to win items. Blow up obstacles with the rocket launcher. Protect yourself with a force field. Defy gravity. Jump. Fly! Use items to speed up your motorcycle. But don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s only about the best gear. There is a lot of skill involved. To make it to the very top of the leaderboards, you’ll need to git gud. Exploration Need a break? Then take your time to explore the tracks or follow a map to a hidden treasure. Combine items to reach new areas. Use them to overcome obstacles. Unlock new tracks and solve (optional) physics puzzles along the way. Multiplayer (async) & Leaderboards 3D gfx, 240+ tracks, high scores, tournaments across devices (play anywhere), multiplayer (async PvP). And if that is not enough then perhaps you'd enjoy one of the challenges: Beach Ball Blitz: Guide a huge beach ball into the goal. Cat Racing: Try to race with your motorbike shrunk down to the size of a cat. and many more! Survive the offroad trials and join this dirt bike glider game adventure. While this racing app is free to download and play, there are some items in the game that cost real money. If you have any questions please write to support@kamgam.com. Get your ride and explore Airborne Motocross. Make it fly!

Слики од екранот

На луѓето им се допаѓа и

Што е ново во оваа верзија

Initial Release. After two years of hard work it is finally done. Enjoy!


  • A glider mounted on a dirt bike
  • Multiplayer across devices (async PvP)
  • Controller support (keyboard and touch too)
  • Exploration (maps to hidden treasures)
  • Free racing game for everyone
  • Fun items: booster, rocket launcher, shrink ray, ...
  • Adaptive performance (works on your old laptop)

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Georg K.

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KAMGAM e.U. 2021

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