

Welcome to game Baldi's Basics Classic is a quick horror recreation. Baldi's Basics is a meta horror game that's really weird, with no real educational value to be found. Baldi's Basics Classic game is an edutainment parody meta horror game that tasks the player with collecting notebooks, all the while trying to avoid Baldi. Story mode requires you to collect 7 notebooks and then escape the school to win. The more notebooks you collect, the faster Baldi's will become! Simple, but very challenging. Baldy Basics Classic is the 2-year anniversary edition of Baldi Basics game. To celebrate, Baldy is throwing a party, you want to know how does baldi celebrate his birthday bash party. Just download this baldi is basic classic birthday bash all free game now. Baldi's Basics Classic games is Education and Learning in schooling game with spacey, stone age and badi body space. Baldy Basics Classic endless mode is a challenge to see how many notebooks you can collect before being caught by Baldi's Birthday Bash Party. Over time Baldi will speed up, but each time you successfully solve the problems in a notebook he'll slow down. The longer you can keep his speed down, the more notebooks you can collect!

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Од 12 години нагоре



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