
За инсталирање е потребно одобрување од администраторот. Минимум потребен оперативен систем: Windows 10 ажурирање од мај 2019 г.Погледнете ги системските барања



Challenge your mind and help the cats in this minimalist and relaxing puzzle game! Welcome to the enchanting world of Cat Pipes! A game that will challenge your mental skills as you help adorable cats find their way through soothing and captivating puzzles. Rotate the pieces and create the perfect path for the cats. Rotate the puzzle pieces to create a safe path for the cats to reach their destination. Use your logic and creativity to find the ideal solution at each level. Click on the piece to rotate and complete the path to the cats. A simple click is all you need to rotate the pieces and form the perfect path. Easy to play, yet challenging enough to keep you entertained for hours! The important thing is to complete the path and reach the cats. No rush! The main goal is to ensure the cats find their way safely. Have fun solving the puzzles and relaxing in this enchanting world. Explore 45 exciting levels. With 45 unique levels, each one more intriguing than the other, you'll have many hours of fun ahead. Cat Pipes is a game that will keep you entertained for a long time.

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Afil Games

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© 2024. Developed by Tribus Games Indie. Published by Afil Games. All Rights Reserved.

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Tribus Games

Датум на издавање


Рангирање по возраст

Од 3 години нагоре



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Инсталирајте на компјутер со Windows 10 плус имајте пристап кога сте поврзани со вашата сметка на Microsoft. Потребно е одобрение од администраторот за инсталирање

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English (United States)

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