Cosmic Mirage (Windows)

За инсталирање е потребно одобрување од администраторот. Минимум потребен оперативен систем: Windows 10 ажурирање од мај 2019 г.Погледнете ги системските барања



Cosmic Mirage is an exciting side-scrolling shooter that takes the player on an exciting space adventure. Sinister forces have taken over peaceful planets in the galaxy, turning them into empty space mirages. Your mission is to become the last reliable pilot of the plane and free them from the sinister invader. An epic journey awaits you through varied landscapes and battles with different types of enemies. Planets that were once sources of life and prosperity have now become places of darkness and strife. Each world presents unique challenges, and the trapped inhabitants need your liberating intervention.

Слики од екранот


  • Dynamic Space Combat: Fight exciting battles while piloting a powerful and customizable space plane.
  • Diverse Levels: Explore different planets and their unique landscapes while fighting a variety of enemies and bosses.
  • Upgrades: Earn experience points and resources to improve your aircraft, adding new weapons, improved characteristics and defensive systems.
  • Modifications: Each time you collect crystals, you'll be given a choice of three unique items, unlocking new tactical options and making your fight epic.
  • Decisions that Shape Your Path: Your actions will determine whether you save the galaxy from galactic conquerors or leave it to darkness.

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Оваа апликација може

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Не може да се инсталира на уред на Windows 10 во S-режим


Инсталирајте на компјутер со Windows 10 плус имајте пристап кога сте поврзани со вашата сметка на Microsoft. Потребно е одобрение од администраторот за инсталирање

Поддржани јазици

English (United States)

Информации за издавачот

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