

This is a a free XBOX Game Bar widget that is a companion to the Crosshair Designer desktop app. Please note that this widget is not meant for standalone use without the Crosshair Designer desktop app. The separate desktop application allows you to create customized crosshairs and configure how you want the crosshairs to react as you hold different mouse buttons. For example, you could create a static crosshair (i.e., that does not change as you press mouse buttons to fire or aim down sights) or a dynamic crosshair (i.e., it does change as you hold different mouse buttons). This widget is simply a companion to the Crosshair Designer desktop app that allows you to use your custom-made crosshairs while playing full-screen PC games. This widget accomplishes that by making use of the XBOX Game Bar (part of Windows 10/11). Further, please note that this is meant to be used for PC gaming on Windows 10/11.

Слики од екранот


  • Create highly customized crosshairs
  • Use your crosshairs in full-screen PC games
  • Have a static crosshair or dynamic crosshairs that change as you aim and fire

Дополнителни информации

Објавено од

Joseph Walsh

Датум на издавање


Приближна големина

31,29 МБ

Рангирање по возраст

Од 3 години нагоре



Оваа апликација може

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Овој производ треба да биде инсталиран на внатрешниот тврд диск.

Поддржани јазици

English (United States)

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