Оваа апликација ја бара најновата верзија на Microsoft Edge.


THE Daily Commuter Puzzle uses straightforward clues to appeal to new puzzle solvers or those with limited time. Complete this crossword puzzle every day in the time it takes to travel from home to office. No commute? No problem: It’s also a great workday break.

Слики од екранот


  • If you don’t know the answer, you can ask the system to provide you the answer by square, the word, or reveal the entire puzzle.
  • You can validate your entries by square, by word, or reveal the solution of the entire puzzle.
  • Check guess when entered (on by default): As you work through the puzzle, the system will give you feedback if the solution is correct or incorrect.
  • Show timer (on by default): Allows you to time how quickly you solve the puzzle. As you play, use the play/pause button to start/stop the time.
  • You can play the puzzle with a virtual pencil and all your entries display in a different color so you may differentiate between your guesses and actual answers.
  • If you’d like to play puzzles published in the past, simply choose the date you wish using the archive..

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Tribune Content Agency

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Tribune Content Agency

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3,2 МБ

Рангирање по возраст

Од 3 години нагоре

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Проверка на интернет-врската


Добијте ја апликацијата додека сте пријавени на вашата сметка на Microsoft и инсталирајте ја на најмногу десет уреди со Windows 10.

Овој производ треба да биде инсталиран на внатрешниот тврд диск.

Поддржани јазици

English (United States)

Информации за издавачот

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