
За инсталирање е потребно одобрување од администраторот. Минимум потребен оперативен систем: Windows 10 ажурирање од мај 2019 г.Погледнете ги системските барања



To become elite, managers must win the love and respect of the fans. In FM24, it’s not just about picking tactics or crafting a team. It’s about establishing your style and creating title-winning dynasties. Turn supporters’ dreams into reality this season by exceeding their expectations and dominating your rivals. It’s time to change the game. How will you be remembered? New features and licensing updates will arrive from late September. Join the FMFC squad to receive exclusive game information direct to your inbox. Game Description • Find the club that’s right for you. Meet the board’s expectations and beat the best on your way to winning football’s top prizes. • Don’t just sign superstars, create them. Recruit smartly with the help of your backroom staff and provide pathways to the first team for your wonderkids to develop a world-class squad. • Your team’s playing style is down to you. Create a unique strategy on the tactics board to deliver big wins and memorable matchday moments.

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Дополнителни услови

Правила за приватност на Football Manager 2024 Demo
Услови на трансакцијата
Лиценцни услови на Football Manager 2024 Demo
This game may be updated over time and have paid for and free additional content released for it. Please be aware that this may increase the minimum requirements for running the game above the specification stated here

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