

Galaxy Warriors co-published by MIRACLE GAMES INC is a casual shooting game. In Galaxy Warriors, you will be a space warrior, a shooter in this shooting game. Invaders come from other planets and destroy us. The game supports English, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, French, Portuguese, Turkish, Slovak. Your goal is to save universe from the conquest of enemies. Invader will attack you in many strategy and patterns. Some invaders carry power up, you should shoot them first and collect it to upgarade your spacescraft. You will get golds bonus after finishing each level. You can use it to by power up. If some levels are more difficult for you, you could play previous levels to collect golds. And use these golds to by power up items to overcome its. You can buy bullet, shield, rocket, one more life and super power. Becareful to see the pattern of enemies to avoid its and bullet. You will be super galaxy shooter, super hero, brave fighter if you pass through all levels. Galaxy Warriors Features: -Lots of enemy waves to shoot up; -Immersive space graphics; -Various upgradeable pickups; -Different enemies and powerful bosses; -Simple and smooth gameplay. Join Galaxy Warriors today and become an ace pilot to protect earth from waves after waves of aliens! Control the lone spaceship, shoot down each formation of aliens, and prevent the enemy forces from destroying all of mankind now! _____________________________________________ 📮Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MiracleGamesAppStore/

Слики од екранот

На луѓето им се допаѓа и


  • Lots of enemy waves to shoot up
  • Immersive space graphics
  • Various upgradeable pickups
  • Different enemies and powerful bosses
  • Simple and smooth gameplay

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18,94 МБ

Рангирање по возраст

Од 7 години нагоре



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Затворање себеси и своите прозорци и одложување на затворањето на нивните апликации


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Поддржани јазици

English (United States)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)
Français (France)
Italiano (Italia)
Português (Brasil)
Русский (Россия)
Slovenčina (Slovensko)
Türkçe (Türkiye)

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