

The classic code-breaking game with a twist, making this the most challenging Mastermind clone ever! The object of the game is to solve the hidden code using a series of guesses and deduction based on the clues given after your guess is scored. But watch out for traps that try to fool you. Also, this game uses a timer. Run out of time, and you lose. Features - increasingly difficult levels (12 for novice, 12 for expert, 12 for master) - introduces the concept of a "trap" - includes simple how-to-play instructions available during game play

Слики од екранот

На луѓето им се допаѓа и

Што е ново во оваа верзија

All new Egyptian themed graphics and music and easier to use user interface


  • - increasingly difficult levels (12 for novice, 12 for expert, 12 for master)
  • - introduces the concept of a "trap"
  • - includes simple how-to-play instructions available during game play

Дополнителни информации

Објавено од

Tri-Angel Software and Games

Авторски права

Copyright © 2014-2024, Tri-Angel Software and Games

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Tri-Angel Software and Games

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165,81 МБ

Рангирање по возраст

Од 3 години нагоре

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Поддржани јазици

English (United States)

Дополнителни услови

Правила за приватност на Gem Master 2
Услови на трансакцијата
Лиценцни услови на Gem Master 2
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