

Hasami Shogi is one of the most popular Shogi (Japanese chess) variants. The word "hasami" means "sandwiching" which shortly describes the way of capturing in this game. It is very challenging board game for all ages, easy to learn but hard to master. Challenge your strategic skills! ===== GAME RULES ===== * Each players starts with their own pieces which are placed on the back row of the board. * The players alternate making a move. Each piece moves as a rook in Chess, horizontally and vertically. * A piece cannot move through another piece. * When a player sandwiches opponent's piece(s) by two of his own pieces, he captures the sandwiched piece(s). A player can sandwich horizontally and vertically, but NOT diagonally. * A Player wins when the opponent only has 4 or less pieces left on the board. For more details, please see the "How to Play" page in this app.

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*Improved stability and the other bug fixes.


  • 1-player mode (Human vs CPU).
  • 2-players mode (Human vs Human).
  • Watching mode (CPU vs CPU).
  • 10 levels of difficulty.
  • Scoreboard and rating system.
  • Various board size (5x5, 6x6, 7x7, 8x8, 9x9).
  • Various board theme (Shogi, Chess, Reversi).
  • Other various options (CPU Level Auto-matching, Alternate first move, etc.)

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Ultima Architect Inc.

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20,57 МБ

Рангирање по возраст

Од 3 години нагоре


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Поддржани јазици

English (United States)
日本語 (日本)

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