

Hidden Objects: Neighborhood Garage Sale. If there’s one thing we know how to do is how to have terrific garage sales! There is a saying that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure which we believe is very true. So, today we are organizing a neighborhood Garage Sale. This annual event has become a drawing card for treasure hunters from all over the town, where everyone can benefit as both a buyer and a seller. Experience has shown that this garage sale is one of the most successful in the country. Karen, Sarah and Thomas are customers at our neighborhood garage sale. Consistently finding the good stuff at yard sales is their mission. Like any mission, it requires strategy. They have prepared themselves how to choose their target, plan their attack, assemble the necessary gear, and get in and out fast. They even made a map which lists locations and categories of what is being sold at each location. Now they are starting their search around the site for shopping and bargaining. A bargain is almost guaranteed on garage sales. But they need our help to find all the items that they will carry home. Hidden Objects: Neighborhood Garage Sale is a free hidden object game on Windows Store.

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  • hidden objects
  • finding hidden
  • finding item
  • detective game
  • hidden object games

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