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Kids Learn to Read is the latest child-pleasing addition to Intellijoy's best-selling reading curriculum series, and is preceded by Kids ABC Letters and Kids ABC Phonics. Kids Learn to Read is a delightful game that invites preschool-aged children to practice blending sounds together to read and spell simple words, such as "dog", "sun", and "big". Its six sections include: - In Magic Letter Bridge kids learn to blend letter sounds into words by moving Tommy the Turtle across the letter bridge as each letter is sounded out and a word is formed and pronounced. Your kids can hand Tommy a skateboard to make him go faster as they become comfortable with blending the sounds. - With Skateboards and Helmets children practice reading as they are asked to fit Tommy's animal friends with skateboards and helmets. - In Turn the Blocks kids make words in a way that's fun by turning real-looking blocks with letters on each side until the word is spelled out. - Through Word Ball children learn to identify spoken words by helping Tommy bat the right ball. - With Word Magic kids learn about word families as they fill the corresponding pot with potion and watch magic happen - In Rocket Words children get to practice word families as they assemble and launch a rocket into space If your children do not know the alphabet sounds yet, we recommend our Kids ABC Phonics app. And if your kids need to learn or practice the names of the letters, try our Kids ABC Letters app. Every section is designed to let children enjoy success time after time and receive positive reinforcement from the likable teacher, so they want to keep learning. Once your child is involved and happy, you can relax, with the assurance that he or she is having a great time - and learning.

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На луѓето им се допаѓа и


  • Turn your Windows 8 device into an entertaining teaching tool
  • Help your child learn how to read
  • Choose from six different sections, teaching different aspects of reading

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