

Celebrate the June Festival with our new Game! Get ready to dive into the joy and tradition of Brazilian June festivals with our new game. Developed with accessibility and fun in mind, this game is fully accessible for eye control and pressure triggers, ensuring fun for everyone! Our game consists of three games, all with gameplay adapted to be fully accessible: With Pressure Triggers: Hit the Balloons: Inspired by the classic “Duck Hunt”, in this game the aim moves automatically on the screen. When the aim is over the balloon, press the trigger to pop it and earn points! June Fishing: In this game, the hook moves automatically on the screen. When the fish is under the hook, press the trigger to fish it and earn points! Clown’s Mouth: In this game, the aim moves automatically on the screen. When the clown’s mouth is under the aim at the right time, press the trigger to throw the ball and earn points! With Eye Control: Hit the Balloons: In this game, the player has total control over the aim through an eye mouse. Every time the player fixes their eyes on the target, the balloons automatically explode, making the player earn points! June Fishing: Control the hook with your eyes through an eye mouse. The fish is automatically fished as soon as the hook passes by the fish. The player then needs to take the fished fish to the boat to earn points! Clown’s Mouth: In this game, at the correct time, the player can look at the top of the monitor, making a slight movement of raising the eyes or dragging upwards. In this, the ball is “thrown”, allowing the player to earn points if the ball enters the clown’s mouth Each game is a new adventure that celebrates the Brazilian culture of June festival. So, get ready for fun and let’s celebrate the June festival together!

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Што е ново во оваа верзија

Get ready to dive into the joy and tradition of Brazilian June festivals with our new game. Developed with accessibility and fun in mind, this game is fully accessible for eye control and pressure triggers, ensuring fun for everyone! Our game consists of three games, all with gameplay adapted to be fully accessible:

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Magic Eyes Brasil

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