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Old Gold 3D is a single-player first-person dungeon crawler with a combat gameplay of fantasy RPG that takes you back to the days of old first-person shooter games and the best 3D action RPG games. Plunge into the underground fantasy kingdom of the King of the Undead in search of old gold. As you progress through the dungeons of this medieval RPG, improve your fighting skills in sword fighting, magic staff shooting, or archery to defeat the army of the dead and destroy the King of the Undead once and for all! You are a survivor hero such as a blade warrior, brave knight or legendary mage, and your main craft is dungeon crawling to loot any rare treasure, avoiding deadly traps. In this deadly dungeon adventure, you will hack and slash fantastic monsters, dangerous demons and evil skeletons. This is one of the retro roguelike games where you need to complete quests to upgrade your rank to a dungeon hero. Raid dungeons to fight powerful bosses guarding ancient gold to earn medals.

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Објавено од

Gelios Software

Датум на издавање


Приближна големина

213,2 МБ

Рангирање по возраст

Од 7 години нагоре


Акција и авантура


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Поддржани јазици

English (United States)

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