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Pavo Collections co-published by MIRACLE GAMES INC, is a Match-3 casual game that combines elements of art, adventure and puzzle. Players will embark on an exploration of an ancient castle, accompanied by their extraterrestrial companions, Curly and Pica. Collect magnificent artistic treasures and uncover the fascinating tales behind each piece, from the inspirations of the artists to the epochs they represent. By completing elimination levels, you can accumulate "star" points to repair the castle and unlock hidden rooms. Along the way, you will discover scattered, precious paintings and sculptures, adding them to your collection and delving into their historical backgrounds to unlock unknown secrets. Each level in the game seamlessly integrates unique artistic elements and captivating storylines, making players feel as if they are in an art gallery. In the treasure rooms, search for 12 distinctive Pavo companions, each offering valuable skills to guide you through the challenging puzzles. There are also special "All Clear" levels without any tools, allowing players to experience a new level of problem-solving enjoyment. Additionally, you can join a dedicated community and share the joys of exploration with friends, uncovering every corner of the castle together. This is destined to be an adventure crafted by your own stories – embark on this captivating art exploration journey! Game Features: Thrilling Puzzle Levels: Enjoy the thrill of breaking barriers and collecting items through creatively designed puzzles that include explosive props for sweeping clears. Castle Restoration: Take charge in restoring the rundown castle to its former glory. Art Treasures: Collect up to 75 magnificent art treasures, each a masterpiece with its own story. In the game's collection library, not only can you admire these stunning works of art, but you also have the unique opportunity to explore their rich histories. Mystery Exploration: Uncover numerous hidden secrets and collect timeless artworks, sculptures, and treasures scattered throughout the castle. Companion System: Unique companions each with special abilities not only assist in puzzle levels but also help uncover secret treasures. Innovative Levels: 'All Clear' challenges that require clearing every element without using any props, offering brain-teasing fun. Secret Mini-Games: The adventure doesn't end with the castle's restoration—engage in hidden mini-games to collect even more valuable items for room decoration. Same Serve For Different Client: You can Download both the Microsoft Store version and Android version installation package on Miracle Games’ official site. Cross-client accounts from Microsoft Store and Android are on the same server and all updates are synchronized, players from PC clients and mobile clients can play together. ________________________________________ Facebook: www.facebook.com/MiracleGamesAppStore/ Discord: https://discord.gg/tVFXZwp Email: Support@mguwp.com MG Help + support: https://support.mguwp.com/

Слики од екранот

На луѓето им се допаѓа и


  • Thrilling Puzzle Levels
  • Castle Restoration
  • Mystery Exploration
  • Companion System

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Рангирање по возраст

Од 7 години нагоре



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Поддржани јазици

English (United States)

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