

Phase Rummy: Card Game is a rummy-type card game with a challenging and exciting twist. Not only is the game fun and gripping, but even the cards are attractive. The objective of the Phase 10 or Phase Rummy Card Game is to be the first person to complete all ten phases. The Phase Rummy Card Game is named after ten phases (or melds) that a player must advance through in order to win. Phase Rummy is also known as Phase 10. ​A phase is a combination of cards and can be composed of sets, runs, cards of one color, or a combination of these. Each phase to be completed is specific to each hand dealt, meaning you need to complete the current phase in order to advance to the next one! Finish all 10 and win the game! Special actions cards like "Wild" and "Skip" cards that deliver game-changing moments! A "Wild" card can be used in place of a number card, as well as be used as any color to complete any phase, while a "Skip" card causes your opponent to lose a turn! Phase Rummy Card Game is a rummy-type card game with a challenging and exciting twist! The twist is that each Phase to be completed is specific for each hand dealt. "Wild" and "Skip" cards add excitement and deliver game-changing moments. It's different every time you play the game, making it a favorite among kids and adults alike. Finish a Phase Rummy in the newest rummy inspired game. Train your brain in this challenging game and Watch carefully for patterns and outwit the game. Phase Rummy: Card Game is an easy to understand card game suitable for players of all ages. So what are you waiting for? Download Phase Card Game today for endless hours of fun! Rummy with a twist!! ◆◆◆◆ Phase Rummy: Card Game Features ◆◆◆◆ ❖ 1,2, 3 & 4 Player Modes ❖ True Multiplayer where you can play with real people online. ❖ Play with your Friends on a Private Table. Create Private Table and invite your friends to play anytime ❖ You can now follow players and invite them to play private matches with you. ❖ Phase Card Game is a Rummy-type card game with a twist! ❖ Very Intuitive Interface and game-play Please don't forget to Rate and Review Rummy type card game Phase Rummy Card Game, we aim to make Phase Card Game one of the best card games out there! Having problems? Any suggestions? We would love to hear from you! Enjoy Phase Card Game! Stay with us for more interesting card games.

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  • ❖ 1,2, 3 & 4 Player Modes
  • ❖ True Multiplayer where you can play with real people online.
  • ❖ Play with your Friends on a Private Table. Create Private Table and invite your friends to play anytime
  • ❖ You can now follow players and invite them to play private matches with you.
  • ❖ Phase Card Game is a Rummy-type card game with a twist!
  • ❖ Very Intuitive Interface and game-play

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