

So, there's been a lot of speculation on what ride Ratty will try next! The answer is FINALLY here... and it comes with a hefty portion of EXPLODING MEATBALLS. RAT ON A SNOWBOARD is a fast-paced, arcade style snowboarding game and part of the ever-popular "Rat on" series. Controls are really simple, which makes it perfect for gamers of any age, but the roads ahead are not only filled with bonus items, but some challenging obstacles as well. Depending on which game mode you pick, you're up for the craziest runs against pine trees, tree stumps, giant snowballs, pointy icicles... and did someone say exploding meatballs?

Слики од екранот

Што е ново во оваа верзија

- Improved calibration of the touch input on numerous devices


  • 3 game modes:
  • - "SPEEDY SLOPES" with endless levels
  • - "EXPLODING MEATBALLS" with endless levels
  • - "CHALLENGES" with 50 handcrafted tracks to master
  • Donut Games' famous 3-star ranking system: Increased replay value!
  • Collectors Icon #29
  • Works with Touch, Mouse and Keyboard controls

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Donut Games

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Copyright © 2011, 2013 Donut Games

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Donut Games

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Од 3 години нагоре


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English (United States)

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