

Learn to fly r/c model airplanes with this advanced realistic flight simulator! Fly with Mouse, Keyboard, Touch, or Xbox 360 Controller. RC-AirSim Lite is the FREE Version of RC-AirSim and features 2 beginner model airplanes with unlimited flying! RC-AirSim is a favorite of radio-controlled model airplane pilots worldwide because it excels where it matters most: realistic flight dynamics and aerodynamics! Tired of "simulators" that feel unrealistic and fly like an arcade game? Try RC-AirSim! Experienced R/C pilots say that RC-AirSim feels and flies like an actual r/c model airplane! R/C pilots, don't let your skills get rusty when you are away from the flying field: practice with RC-AirSim. New to the hobby of r/c model airplanes? Learn on RC-AirSim first and make the maiden flight of your first r/c plane a successful one. RC-AirSim Lite features: · Fly a high wing Trainer airplane or an easy to fly Electric Parkflyer. · Realistic r/c model airplane flight aerodynamics based on NASA flight simulation technology. · Awesome Crashes! Planes break apart in a realistic physics-based manner. · Accurate Landings and Ground Handling. · 3 View Options - R/C, Following (Chase cam), and Onboard camera. Click camera icon to change. · 4 Channel Controls - aileron, elevator, rudder, throttle. · Optional On-screen Transmitter Sticks. · Fly with Mouse, Keyboard, Touch, or Xbox 360 Controller. · 3 control modes: Mode 2 (default), Mode 1, and 3 Channel. · Field objects to avoid and fly behind. (Not just a panoramic background photo environment.) · Doppler-correct sound. · Get flying quickly! No slow, tedious menus or multiple load screens. RC-AirSim Lite comes with these r/c model airplanes: · Back 40 Trainer Classic 4 channel high-wing trainer with plenty of dihedral for beginners. Powered by a .40 size gas engine. · Slowmowatt Electric park flyer. Flies very slow so there is plenty of time to react. Easiest to fly! Perfect for beginners using the 3 Channel control scheme. 4 channel control available. Please Note: RC-AirSim is a realistic r/c model airplane flight simulator, NOT an arcade game. And like a real model airplane, it will take some practice to master the basics. Luckily, in RC-AirSim, plane crashes are free (and fun)! Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Don't hesitate to contact the developer directly: rc-airsim.com Facebook: facebook.com/rcairsim Twitter: twitter.com/rc_airsim email: tim@fabricated-reality.com Happy Landings!

Слики од екранот


  • RC-AirSim Lite is the FREE Version of RC-AirSim and features 2 beginner model airplanes with unlimited flying!
  • Fly a high wing Trainer airplane or an easy to fly Electric Parkflyer.
  • Realistic r/c model airplane flight aerodynamics based on NASA flight simulation technology.
  • Awesome crashes! Planes break apart in a realistic physics-based manner.
  • Accurate landings and ground handling.
  • 3 view options - R/C, Following (Chase cam), and Onboard camera.
  • 4 channel controls - aileron, elevator, rudder, throttle.
  • Optional On-screen Transmitter Sticks.
  • Fly with Mouse, Keyboard, Touch, or Xbox 360 Controller.
  • 3 control modes: Mode 2 (default), Mode 1, and 3 Channel.
  • Field objects to avoid and fly behind.
  • Doppler-correct sound.
  • Get flying quickly! No slow, tedious menus or multiple load screens.

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Fabricated Reality

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