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Long Description: “Tile Fusion: Strategic Match” is an engaging domino game that combines strategic thinking with pattern matching. Players take turns placing dominoes on the board, following specific rules:

Placement Rules:
Each domino must be positioned so that the two matching ends are adjacent.
Doubles (dominoes with the same number of pips on both ends) can be laid perpendicular to other dominoes.
Turn Sequence:
The game begins with the first double domino being played.
Turns continue in an anti-clockwise direction.
The next player (sitting to the right) takes their turn.
When You Can’t Play:
If a player can’t play a domino, they pick up dominoes from the graveyard (the remaining ones) until they can play or the graveyard is empty.
If the graveyard is empty or a player still can’t play, the turn passes to the next player.
Points are awarded based on the dots on the exposed ends of the dominoes.
If the total dots on the ends are a multiple of five, the player receives additional points.
“Tile Fusion: Strategic Match” encourages strategic planning, adaptability, and careful observation of the board. Whether you’re a seasoned domino player or new to the game, this fusion of strategy and matching promises an enjoyable experience! 🎲🧩

Слики од екранот


  • The goal is to score points by aligning dots on the exposed ends, with bonuses for multiples of five.

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Jose btf

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Jose btf

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126,09 МБ

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Од 3 години нагоре




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English (United States)

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