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Embark on a journey where every step is a calculated risk. "Try Not to Rage" isn't just a game - it's a test of your mettle, determination, and reflexes. Although the controls might be easy to grasp, the challenges ahead are anything but! 🌀 Face treacherous obstacles, unexpected pitfalls, and sly traps set to push your patience and dexterity to its breaking point. 😡 You might soar towards the finish line, feeling invincible, only to be thwarted by a cunning obstacle. But remember: every failure is a lesson learned. 💪 Conquer every level, relish in your triumphs, and wear your failures as badges of honor. 🏅 Join the ranks of elite gamers who dare to face the wrath of "Try Not to Rage". Will you be the one to master its deceptive simplicity? 🎖️ Unleash your inner gamer. Rise to the occasion. And above all, try not to rage! 🚀🎮

Слики од екранот


  • Simple controls 🎮
  • Challenging gameplay 🔥
  • Humorous art style 😂
  • Varied levels 🗺️
  • Replayable ♾️
  • Rage-inducing 😈

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English (United States)

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