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Put the outside world aside as you immerse yourself in this relaxing word search game! Improve mindfulness and relieve stress with the brand-new word search game, Word Tiles: Relax n Refresh. Relax and find all the words from stacks of letter tiles set in front of a tranquil landscape background with gentle music and peaceful sounds of nature. Take things one step at a time and clear your mind as you solve the puzzles word by word. Word Tiles: Relax is a perfect twist of the classic word finding and anagram puzzles for anyone who loves words and needs a little more serenity in their day. Download for FREE! HOW TO PLAY • Connect scrambled letters to rearrange them into words! • Swipe in any direction, vertically and horizontally. • Each level has a clue to which all words are related! Use it to find words! NOTES • Word Tiles contains ads like banners, interstitials, videos and house ads. • Word Tiles is free to play, but you can purchase in-app items like AD FREE and hints.

Слики од екранот

На луѓето им се допаѓа и


  • • EASY TO PLAY - It starts easy but gets challenging in leaps and bounds!
  • • DAILY CALM - Find words of famous quotes about life, friendship, and love.
  • • TONS OF UNIQUE LEVELS - Over 300+ puzzles with fun and amazing challenges!
  • • STUNNING GRAPHICS - Soothing soundtrack and gorgeous visual effects

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BitMango, inc.

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Од 3 години нагоре


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Добијте ја апликацијата додека сте пријавени на вашата сметка на Microsoft и инсталирајте ја на најмногу десет уреди со Windows 10.

Овој производ треба да биде инсталиран на внатрешниот тврд диск.

Поддржани јазици

English (United States)

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Легално отфрлање одговорност

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