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+ Понуди за купување од апликација


Step up your word game with Wordle with both daily challenges and a practice mode, you can perfect your skills and show off your vocabulary to friends and family. The addictive gameplay and intuitive design will keep you coming back for more. Download Wordle today and join the word-building fun.

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Што е ново во оваа верзија

Version 1.12.x - Save gamestates Version 1.11.x - Select date option added - Extra settings - Improved keyboard support - Small UI improvements Version 1.10.x - Show % in Guess Distribution chart - Windows 11 look & feel (Mica, Settings) - Highlight selected keys in keyboard - Copy correct letters button added Version 1.9.x.0 - Daily Challenges word fix Version 1.8.x.0 - Version is now again in sync with the website - Improved selection of practice words - Fixed crash using French (LeMOT) words - The game number in the Share was incorrect, it is now in sync with the website Version 1.7.x.0 - 'Show more free apps from Reflection IT' dialog added - Fixed startup issues - Removed HARRY from the English word list, now back in sync with the website Version 1.6.x.0 - Language selection option added to the Settings. Starting with Dutch and French. More to come. - Easy practice mode added to the Settings Version 1.5.x.0 - Banner ads added which can be removed using an in-app purchase (Settings page) - Bug Color blind mode fixed Version - Color blind mode added to the settings Version - Share button also visible for incomplete Daily Wordle Version -Keyboard layouts setting added (QWERTY, AZERTY, QWERTZ) Version 1.2.x.0 - Guess shake animations added Version - (Bing) Translate link added, can be turned off in the Settings


  • Play the official Daily Wordle and share your results with your friends on Twitter of Facebook
  • Practice as many games as you want
  • Keyboard cursor keys and focus indicator
  • Statistics of the Daily Wordle and Practice Games
  • Settings: Game, Appearance and Sound
  • Physical keyboard support
  • Translate link using Bing Translate
  • Offline support, you can also play when you are not connected
  • Languages English (Wordle), French (LeMOT) and Dutch (Woordle)

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Reflection IT

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Reflection IT BV

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41,49 МБ

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Од 3 години нагоре



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English (United States)

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