
За инсталирање е потребно одобрување од администраторот. Минимум потребен оперативен систем: Windows 10 ажурирање од мај 2019 г.Погледнете ги системските барања



Get ready for an exciting and adrenaline-filled experience with Ziggy, the newest 2D platform game! In the world of Ziggy, you'll take control of a character full of energy and determination. Your mission? Overcome all obstacles by jumping with skill and agility. But that's not all! Ziggy possesses a special ability that sets them apart from everyone else: the powerful Dash. Imagine yourself as a lightning bolt, zooming through the scenery at an impressive speed! Use the Dash to swiftly overcome obstacles, leaving your enemies bewildered as you soar above them. Nothing can stop you! But beware, Ziggy! The path won't be easy. Across 30 challenging levels, you'll face increasingly complex obstacles. Be agile, make quick decisions, and showcase your skills to overcome all the challenges that come your way. Are you ready to join Ziggy on this incredible adventure? Get ready to jump, slide, and unleash the power of the Dash in a game that will test your abilities and your capacity for triumph. Conquer the 30 challenging levels and become the ultimate master of Ziggy!

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Afil Games

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© 2024. Developed and published by Afil Games. All Rights Reserved.

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Afil Games

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Од 3 години нагоре



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Инсталирајте на компјутер со Windows 10 плус имајте пристап кога сте поврзани со вашата сметка на Microsoft. Потребно е одобрение од администраторот за инсталирање

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Português (Brasil)

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