Arrowstorm Ascendant [Windows]

स्थापना करण्यासाठी प्रशासक मंजूरी आवश्यक आहे. किमान OS आवश्यक: Windows 10 मे 2019 अपडेट.सिस्टमच्या आवश्यकता पहा



Arrowstorm Ascendant is a rogue-like shoot 'em up based on "Seraph's Last Stand" and "Vampire Survivors". Control a archer and defeat hordes of dragons with your outstanding archery skills. With each new wave the enemies increase in number and power, but don't worry, because you will also be granted the opportunity to grow and upgrade your skills by selecting a skill card after defeating a wave of enemies. Use this to you advantage to create the most interesting, powerful and game breaking build and prove you are worthy of getting the title Arrowstorm Ascendant by defeating Elzret, The Flying Calamity and King of Dragons. You lose your upgrades after finising an expedition, but all the coins found will stay with you. Use these coins to increase your arsenal of skills and archers. A wider range of skills will unlock more synergies and combinations. The upgrade cards are an essential asset you need to grow and evolve your archer to survive as the game gets harder. Choose between red skill cards, that increase your stats, blue skill cards, that gives support and passive abilities or green cards, that gives new powers or upgrade your arrows new skills. By combining the correct green and blue cards and reaching them to level 5 the enemies may drop a gold anvil, that can be used to craft a gold skill card, with insanely powerful abilities. You can choose 4 green cards and 4 blue cards after each wave. Find the best build possible and reach the highest level you can!



  • Bullet Heaven Rogue-like game.
  • Choose between Story Mode, Time Attack Mode and Practice Mode.
  • Choose between 5 cards after each wave to upgrade your archer. Red increases status, Blue are passive skills and Green are active skills.
  • Upgrade the right cards to level 5 and find the golden anvil to create a Gold Card, with game breaking skills.
  • Many possibilites of combos. Create your own unique fighting style and look for different ways to break the game.
  • Choose between 12 different archers with diferent starting skills.

अतिरिक्त माहीती

च्या द्वारे प्रकाशित केलेले

Synnergy Circle Games

यांच्या द्वारे विकसित

Synnergy Circle Games

रीलिझ तारीख


वय रेटिंग

वय 7 व वरीलसाठी

हा अनुप्रयोग करू शकतो

आपल्या सर्व फाइल्स, पेरिफेरल डिव्हाइसेस, अनुप्रयोग, प्रोग्राम्सना आणि रजिस्ट्री ऍक्सेस करू शकतो
आपले इंटरनेट कनेक्शन ऍक्सेस करा
S-मोडमध्ये Windows 10 डिव्हाइस वर स्थापित केले जाऊ शकत नाही


आपण आपल्या Microsoft खात्याशी कनेक्ट केलेले असताना Windows 10 PC प्लसवर स्थापित करून अॅक्सेस करा. स्थापनेसाठी प्रशासक मंजूरीची आवश्यकता आहे

भाषा समर्थित

English (United States)
Español (España, Alfabetización Internacional)
Português (Brasil)
Русский (Россия)
日本語 (日本)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
Italiano (Italia)
Français (France)

या उत्पादनाचा अहवाल द्या

साइन इन करा हा गेम Microsoft कडे रिपोर्ट करण्यासाठी
रिपोर्ट करा हे उत्पादन अयोग्य सामुग्रीसाठी आहे

कायदेशीर अस्वीकरण

या विक्रेत्याने प्रमाणित केले आहे की तो केवळ लागू होणाऱ्या सर्व कायद्याचे अनुपालन करणारी उत्पादने किंवा सेवा ऑफर करेल