

Embark on an Exciting Word Puzzle Adventure with Build It Word! Immerse yourself in a thrilling blend of word challenges and block puzzle gameplay that promises hours of fun. How to Play: - Arrange falling letter blocks strategically to form words and clear rows. - Test your vocabulary and tactical skills as the pace quickens. - Unlock power-ups and special tiles to boost your gameplay. Features: - Enjoy a unique combination of word and block puzzles for a captivating experience. - Fun for all ages—whether you're a casual player or a seasoned word puzzle enthusiast. - Personalize your game with customizable themes and backgrounds. - Play offline anytime, anywhere—no internet connection needed. Play Modes: - Relax Mode: Take your time and play without the pressure of increasing speed. - Rush Mode: Challenge yourself with faster gameplay for a more intense experience. Stage Types: - Normal: Form any word to progress. - Get: Create words that meet specific AI-set characteristics. - Set: Build exact words designated by the AI to advance. - Search: Solve clues by forming specific words to move forward. - First End: Master the First End rule by constructing words that follow it. Join the challenge and see how far your word skills can take you in Build It Word. Are you ready to start your word puzzle journey?



  • Innovative Gameplay: Combines word puzzles with block-building mechanics for a fresh experience.
  • Multiple Play Modes: Switch between Relax Mode for casual play and Rush Mode for a fast-paced challenge.
  • Unique Stage Types: Engage in different challenges like Normal, Get, Set, Search, and First End.
  • Power-Ups: Unlock and use power-ups to clear difficult levels and enhance gameplay.
  • Offline Play: Enjoy the game anytime, anywhere without the need for an internet connection.
  • AI Challenges: Tackle AI-generated word puzzles that push your vocabulary to the limit.
  • Dynamic Difficulty: Experience increasing speed and difficulty as you progress through the game.
  • Engaging Wordplay: Test and improve your vocabulary by creating a wide range of words.
  • Leaderboard Support: Compete against other players and see how you rank on the global leaderboard.
  • Tutorials: Get guided through the basics with easy-to-understand tutorials for new players.
  • Endless Fun: Enjoy endless levels and challenges designed to keep you engaged.
  • Suitable for All Ages: Accessible and enjoyable for players of any age or skill level.
  • Strategic Gameplay: Plan your moves carefully as you balance block placement and word formation.
  • Smooth Controls: Intuitive and responsive controls for a seamless gameplay experience.
  • Multilingual Support: Play the game in multiple languages to widen your word-building skills.

अतिरिक्त माहीती

च्या द्वारे प्रकाशित केलेले

Word Naz

यांच्या द्वारे विकसित

Word Naz

रीलिझ तारीख


अंदाजे आकार

295.62 MB

वय रेटिंग

वय 3 व वरीलसाठी

हा अनुप्रयोग करू शकतो

आपले स्थान वापरा
आपले इंटरनेट कनेक्शन ऍक्सेस करा
आपले इंटरनेट कनेक्शन ऍक्सेस करा आणि एक सर्व्हर म्हणून कार्य करा.
आपले निवासस्थानाचे किंवा कार्यस्थानाचे नेटवर्क्स ऍक्सेस करा


आपल्या Microsoft खात्यात साइन इन असताना हा अनुप्रयोग मिळवा आणि आपल्या दहा पर्यंत Windows 10 डिव्हाइसेसवर स्थापित करा.

भाषा समर्थित

English (United States)

प्रकाशकाची माहिती

Build It Word समर्थन

या उत्पादनाचा अहवाल द्या

साइन इन करा हा गेम Microsoft कडे रिपोर्ट करण्यासाठी
रिपोर्ट करा हे उत्पादन अयोग्य सामुग्रीसाठी आहे

कायदेशीर अस्वीकरण

या विक्रेत्याने प्रमाणित केले आहे की तो केवळ लागू होणाऱ्या सर्व कायद्याचे अनुपालन करणारी उत्पादने किंवा सेवा ऑफर करेल