

Legendary ice fishing simulation Pro Pilkki 2 is now available in Microsoft Store, and it’s free. Walk to ice, make a hole and pick a lure of your choice. Start catching fish and pull them up from the hole. Do it well enough to compete other fishermen and women and win the game! Game is a carefully balanced mixture of simulation and entertainment. Real-world fishers certainly know some tricks which help in the game. On the other hand – players with no experience in fishing suddenly know how to catch fish on real-world ice as well! So get ready to explore the snowy landscapes of more than 40 frozen lakes, ponds and rivers. Challenge yourself in single player tournaments and when you think you're good enough, prove it to the other world by joining the public online games. Obviously, you can take another approach: join some relaxed network game just to enjoy the fishing atmosphere and take a chance to chat with other fishermen around. This version includes single player game, multi-player game and network game hosting support. Game includes both local and global high score lists and automatic updates via the store system. Network game is compatible with mobile version of the game (Pro Pilkki 2 Mobile). Game supports both mouse and touch screen use.

Zrzuty ekranu

Co nowego w tej wersji

Tip: Use new "Import or export data" in the game main menu to transfer settings or high scores from the other PC version of the game. Version 1.9.3 - Support for transferring and combining biggest fish between devices in the same local network - Password protected remote spectator mode added for online game streaming and host monitoring purposes (/spectpass) - Link for opening host's daily biggest fish web page added to the network game client lobby - Other fixes and improvements

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Przybliżony rozmiar

250,09 MB

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3 lata lub więcej



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Możesz pobrać tę aplikację, gdy zalogujesz się na swoje konto Microsoft, i zainstalować ją na maksymalnie 10 urządzeniach z systemem Windows 10.

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English (United States)
Suomi (Suomi)
Русский (Россия)
Українська (Україна)

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