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Bomb Dropper: Typing is a game that helps you to practise typing. Bombs with letters on it drop from the top one by one and all you need to do is pressing the relative key to remove it. Once a bomb hit the ground or you pressed a key which has no relative bombs on the screen, you gain a fault. 10 faults will end the game. There are 5 difficulty levels and you can choose one according to your typing speed. Your best scores under different difficulty levels will be recorded and wait for your supassing. The more you play, the fast you will type. Download now and to be a typing master!
Noutăți din această versiune
- Now you can end game directly when gaming - Game will be paused automatically when the window loses focus - Add sound effects for typing
Informații suplimentare
Publicat de
Pig StarData lansării
16.10.2017Dimensiune aproximativă
26,61 MBEvaluare după vârstă
Pentru vârste de 3 ani și mai mariCategorie
EducaționaleAceastă aplicație poate
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Termeni suplimentari
Politica de confidențialitate Bomb Dropper: TypingTermenii tranzacției
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