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An addictive hidden object game about flower shop! Taking care of flowers is probably one of the things that make us really peaceful. The stress is one and we are dedicated to the flowers in those moments. As we are far from the selfishness, taking care about other being and wishing all the best for it. Similar like taking care of a child or at least a pet. From one side is the dedication; while on the other side is the urge this plant to look nice. We select out most wanted colors, we have a favorite kind of flower... And just imagine how nice it would be having an own flower shop. That is definitely one of the best professions in the world, or at least the less stressful job. Daisy has always loved flowers. Her long years dream was to open her own flower shop, to make her greatest passion become her own profession. She believes that this way the work won't be hard at all; it will turn into a pure pleasure. Daisy is so happy but at the same time she is very tired right now. Everything is just fine with the work but this morning she has received a huge shipment of flowers. Her shop is full of flowers and she has to start from somewhere to arrange them all. However, she could use some help to select the right flowers and arrange them on a right way. Are you willing to take part in this flower adventure?
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WhatYJData lansării
07.05.2018Dimensiune aproximativă
23,49 MBEvaluare după vârstă
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