GratuitOferă achiziții în cadrul aplicației
+ Oferă achiziții în cadrul aplicației


Air Traffic Control Flight Simulator simulates the coordination and management of landings all aircrafts at an international airport. Air traffic control is a really challenging task. In this game, you are in charge of getting every airplane safely landed on the tarmac without any crashes. Whenever a plane or a helicopter appears on the screen, simply draw a line between the aircraft and the entrance of the runway to define its path to the corresponding runway and it will automatically land itself if no other plane creates a collision course. Please note: this app requires the Microsoft Edge WebView 2 runtime environment, which will be verified and installed at the first launch if it hasn’t been installed previously. [License] The game can be played under two licensing models: 1) The game can be played for free with ads that don’t interrupt your gaming experience, or 2) you can purchase a license to remove all ads. In order to provide the best gaming experience, all of our games are developed to be installed on and run from your Windows device locally. You can play them anywhere even without Internet connections. Plus, they are free with no time limit. Just enjoy!

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Informații suplimentare

Publicat de

Free Game Squad

Data lansării


Dimensiune aproximativă

55,2 MB

Evaluare după vârstă

Pentru vârste de 3 ani și mai mari

Această aplicație poate

Vă accesează conexiunea la internet
Vă accesează conexiunea la internet și acționează ca un server.


Obțineți această aplicație în timp ce sunteți conectat la contul Microsoft și instalați-o pe cel mult zece dispozitive Windows 10.

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English (United States)

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