

Alhambra Scorekeeper is a simple scorekeeping utility for the boardgame Alhambra. It calculates the number of points each player receives based on the entered number of tiles of each color each player has, as well as walls and totals. Expansions can be selected as well. The latest release also validates (as much as possible) the entered scores to avoid entering incorrect or invalid scores. All expansions are supported as well.

Capturi de ecran

Alte persoane apreciază și


  • Calculates points based on the number of each color tile each player has
  • Allows you to select expansions for additional scoring
  • Automatically calculates total scores for each player
  • Validates scores when possible

Informații suplimentare

Publicat de

Nathan Sokalski

Drept de autor


Data lansării


Dimensiune aproximativă

31,23 MB

Evaluare după vârstă

Pentru vârste de 3 ani și mai mari

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Limbă acceptată

English (United States)

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