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This is a classic game that immerses players in excitement, strategy and destruction. On a beautiful island, there is a group of cute birds living here, but their precious eggs were stolen by a group of green pigs. In order to take back the eggs, the birds decided to attack the pigs and started a fierce battle. The game has designed multiple levels and different terrains, from simple to complex, and the level of challenge gradually escalates. Players need to use their wisdom and skills, make full use of the characteristics of the bird and the ejection power of the slingshot, find ways to pass each level, and finally save the stolen eggs.
Informații suplimentare
Publicat de
mtwusData lansării
03.03.2024Dimensiune aproximativă
27,62 MBEvaluare după vârstă
Pentru vârste de 3 ani și mai mariCategorie
StrategieAceastă aplicație poate
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