GratuitOferă achiziții în cadrul aplicației
+ Oferă achiziții în cadrul aplicației


Chess wars is a beautifully designed chess game with 6 chess themes and the ability to play several chess boards simultaneously. Play against the device or against another player on the same device. Watch online chess matches in real-time and learn from the grand masters. Play several matches on different chess boards (themes) and switch between simultaneous matches from the App Bar. Go through the match moves in review mode. Stay tuned for updates on Leaderboards and Online gameplay.

Capturi de ecran


  • 6 Chess themes - boards and pieces
  • Play several matches simultenously
  • Play against the device or another player on the same device
  • Matches are saved in roaming storage and are available on all devices
  • Save game in PGN format to Sky Drive
  • Load a game from PGN file

Informații suplimentare

Publicat de

Dangling Concepts

Drept de autor

Copyright 2012, Dangling Concepts

Dezvoltat de

Dangling Concepts

Data lansării


Dimensiune aproximativă

24,05 MB

Evaluare după vârstă

Pentru vârste de 3 ani și mai mari



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Limbă acceptată

English (United States)

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