

What was your childhood dream? To be a doctor or to be a superhero? No matter what was your dream, now the hottest mobile games is coming!! You play as a professional ear doctor, who has unique patients. Yeah..all your patients are super hero kids. Do not mess with them. You have to give the best treatment. Everyday, your clinic full of superhero kids which have various kind of sense of hearing disease. Sometimes you have to cut the ear hairs, cure infections, picking up some bugs or insects (BUGS!!) and many more. Every tools likes laser cam, syringes, spray, scissors, and anything else has different function, use it carefully. Some disease case need special surgery, special medicine, and good medical treatment to be healed. Be the most health and famous doctor super hero by doing good for all your customer. How to play : - Tap and hold tools to patient ear’s - Choose the suitable tools for each case - Cure till your patient’s face smile Features : - Iconic kids superhero - Colourful design - Happy music background - Various character - Various disease

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Piano Music Studio

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63,44 MB

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English (United States)

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