GratuitOferă achiziții în cadrul aplicației
+ Oferă achiziții în cadrul aplicației


FANTASTIC HIDDEN OBJECT PUZZLE ADVENTURE GAME FROM THE CREATORS OF ENIGMATIS AND GRIM LEGENDS! During her new adventure, Pamela Cavendish goes to a misty and mysterious Scotland where a seemingly innocent landscape of moor quickly reveals its dark nature. Spectre from the past and ghostly sounds will force her to follow the amazing legend of the Red Moon. TRY IT FREE, THEN UNLOCK THE FULL ADVENTURE FROM WITHIN THE GAME! After solving the case of Minotaur and secret of Norse gods, Pamela Cavendish, the world-famous anthropologist, travels to her niece's birthday in northern Scotland. Joyful ceremony turns into thrilling adventure, after the girl becomes kidnapped by a banshee from the other world. Nora's life is at stake and the Red Moon is rising. Pools lead Pamela to a haunted house, guarded by even more terrifying monsters. Travel through the captivating landscapes of Scotland until you reach Kirkwall and discover the legend that haunts the locals. Uncover the secrets of abandoned mansion hidden on the island among marshlands. Face terrifying monsters and save an innocent child. Solve mind-bending puzzles and learn if there is a grain of truth in every fable...

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HOT FIX – We've spotted some problems plaguing the last version of our app and taken care of them. We've fixed the blocker at the Sewer location. By the way: please let us know if there's anything else we should take care of.


  • Visit 35 locations straight from the horror!
  • Solve over 40 scary riddles and HO puzzles!
  • Meet 10 mysterious characters and creatures!
  • Collect over 30 challenging achievements!
  • Fight with 5 monsters from Scottish legends!

Informații suplimentare

Publicat de

Artifex Mundi

Drept de autor

© 2018 Artifex Mundi S.A. All rights reserved. Artifex Mundi is a trademark of Artifex Mundi. All registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Dezvoltat de

Sunward Games

Data lansării


Dimensiune aproximativă

1,42 GB

Evaluare după vârstă

Pentru vârste de 12 ani și mai mari

Această aplicație poate

Vă accesează conexiunea la internet
Vă accesează conexiunea la internet și acționează ca un server.


Obțineți această aplicație în timp ce sunteți conectat la contul Microsoft și instalați-o pe cel mult zece dispozitive Windows 10.

Limbă acceptată

English (United States)
Deutsch (Deutschland)
Français (France)
Italiano (Italia)
日本語 (日本)
Polski (Polska)
Русский (Россия)

Termeni suplimentari

Politica de confidențialitate Endless Fables 3: Dark Moor
Termenii tranzacției
Termenii licenței Endless Fables 3: Dark Moor
End User License Agreement This End User License Agreement (“EULA”) is an agreement between you and Artifex Mundi S.A., seated in Poland, Zabrze, ul. Michała Archanioła 10 (“Artifex Mundi”) This License governs your use of this software product and all related documentation (manuals, packaging) either printed or files, downloaded or accessed on-line, as well as updates and upgrades that replace or supplement the software and are not distributed with a separate license (hereinafter collectively referred to as the ("Software"). The Software is licensed, not sold. By installing or using the Software, you confirm to have read the EULA and consent to be bound by the terms and conditions defined herein. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, you are not permitted to install or use the Software. The Software is protected by national copyright laws as well as by international intellectual property treaties. The License Subject to this EULA Artifex Mundi grants you a non exclusive and limited license to install and use one copy of the Software on a single computer or other gaming unit (depending on the type of the operating system which the Software is designed for), only for personal, non – commercial purposes. The Software cannot be shared, installed simultaneously on more than one computer or gaming unit or installed in the network. Artifex Mundi only licenses the Software and you hereby acknowledge that no intellectual property rights, title or ownership of the Software is being transferred or assigned to you. Artifex Mundi retains all rights ( including, but not limited to copyright, other intellectual property rights, as trademarks) to the Software, any part of it, in particular the parts of the Software that may be regarded as independent work (e.g. themes, sounds, soundtracks, graphics, artworks, characters, descriptions, dialogues, etc.) and all related materials. Any rights not expressly granted to you by this EULA are retained by Artifex Mundi. This EULA terminates immediately if you attempt to circumvent technical protection measures used in connection with the Software. Limitations You are not entitled to (a) use the Software for any commercial purposes, that is the purposes intended for derivation of any direct or indirect economic benefits; (b) distribute, sublicense, rent, lease, transfer of assign the Software to any third parties, unless expressly stipulated herein; (c) install or use of the software on the network, grant an access to it on – line or install the Software on more than one computer or gaming unit at a time; (d) bypass any technical protective measures used to prevent unlawful use or copying of the Software or any of its features; (e) reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, make derivative works or modify the Software, (f) remove or modify any of the trademarks, logos and other notices contained in the Software. If you breach the provisions defined in “The License” or “Limitations” section, Artifex Mundi shall be entitled to terminate the EULA with 14 days termination notice, and/or pursue any rights granted to Artifex Mundi by acts of generally applicable law. This EULA terminates immediately if you attempt to circumvent technical protection measures used in connection with the Software. If the EULA terminates, you must permanently uninstall and delete the Software and any copies of it. Limited Warranty Artifex Mundi warrants to you that this Software is compatible with a personal computer or other gaming unit, meeting the minimum system requirements listed in the Software documentation. Although the Software has been tested, Artifex Mundi does not warrant that the Software will not interfere with third party software or drivers installed on your computer. Such interference may influence the performance of the Software or even prevent it from running. If your copy of the Software proves to be defective, Artifex Mundi shall replace such copy by allowing you to download it from the server. No support for the software is provided upon this license. The software is provided on an "as is" basis. Limitation of Liability Subject to “Consumer Rights” section, Artifex Mundi shall in no event be liable for any damage, direct or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the software. This includes but is not limited to lost profits, hardware or software damage, stoppage or malfunction and work stoppage. This in particular means that liability of Artifex Mundi based on the contract, tort or other legal theory, is excluded to the greatest extent permitted by law. Consumer Rights Local legislations may grant you certain consumer rights that cannot be excluded by the provisions of this EULA. In the event of discrepancy between this EULA and statutory consumer rights, such rights shall prevail, subject to the following limitation: You accept and acknowledge that you are responsible for the safety of the data stored on your computer. You should regularly make backup copies of your essential data and do not simultaneously launch many programs because the potential interference between such programs may effect in data loss or loss of the effect of your work. Due to this fact Artifex Mundi shall not be liable for the data loss. Final Provisions This EULA shall be governed by the Polish law. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties which supersedes any prior agreements, written or oral, within the scope of the object of this agreement.

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