

Step into a chilling world of terror in Eyes of Horror, a spine-tingling horror adventure where the past refuses to stay buried. Explore two haunting locations—a desolate morgue and a shadowy school—each filled with unspeakable horrors. Encounter the restless spirit of a vengeful dead woman and evade the clutches of savage cannibal enemies lurking in the shadows. With every corner you turn, a new nightmare awaits. Solve sinister puzzles, unravel dark secrets, and fight to survive as you uncover the twisted truth behind the horrors that haunt these cursed places. Can you escape the Eyes of Horror, or will you become another victim? Features: Two atmospheric levels: Morgue and School Bone-chilling encounters with a dead woman and cannibal enemies Immersive horror experience with eerie soundscapes and unsettling visuals Engage in survival and puzzle-solving to progress Dare to play, but beware—you're never truly alone.

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Publicat de

Jony Games

Dezvoltat de

Jony Games

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Dimensiune aproximativă

131,75 MB

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English (United States)

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