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Chess teaching program for the young beginner players and for their parents. This is a set of chess-based games designed primarily for children who already know how to move pieces. All games are named as fairy tales to keep the kids interested. Games develop attention, understanding of comparative value and strength pieces and emphasize the importance of pawn advancement. 3-5 minute duels with a small number of pieces and simple, clear rules will give players pleasure and help them get comfortable in the world of chess. For those young players who are not reading yet, the program can voice titles, goals and results.

Capturi de ecran

Alte persoane apreciază și


  • Select opponent strength, from beginner to master
  • More than 40 different chess-based games
  • Play for any side
  • For those young players who are not reading yet, the program can voice titles, goals and results.

Informații suplimentare

Publicat de Games

Dezvoltat de

Alex Vasilev

Data lansării


Dimensiune aproximativă

2,11 MB

Evaluare după vârstă

Pentru vârste de 3 ani și mai mari



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English (United States)

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