Această aplicație necesită cea mai recentă versiune de Microsoft Edge.


It's a fun and original puzzle game, a mix of crosswords and math equations. You must solve the equations with additions, multiplications, soustractions and divisions. It's super easy, you just need to move the yellow tiles piece and place them on the free spots. If your equation is correct, the line will change to green. if it's incorrect if will change to red. If it is incorrect, move the pieces until all the board becomes green. This game has a lot of levels and you can choose between several difficulty modes, from novice to insane levels ! Are you a brain genius ?

Capturi de ecran


  • solve math equations
  • crossword type of game
  • Several difficulty modes
  • math puzzle game
  • train your brain

Informații suplimentare

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Dimensiune aproximativă

13,26 MB

Evaluare după vârstă

Pentru vârste de 3 ani și mai mari

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English (United States)

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