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Monster Trucks. Jumps. Offroad Pickups. Upgrades. A monster truck 4x4 simulator. Monster Truck Destruction is the best monster truck game! Great physics, real-time destruction and over 60 licensed trucks such as BIGFOOT and USA-1 to race in 28 dirt and snow covered tracks. MONSTER Compete in 4 championships across 28 offroad tracks in drag or freestyle, land insane jumps, backflips and master your monster truck. TRUCK Drive over 60 licensed monster trucks such as BIGFOOT, USA-1, Boogey Van, Outback Thunda, Virginia Beast tanks, Traxxas RC trucks and upgrade your engine exhaust, intake, suspension and transmission to keep up with the competition. DESTRUCTION Realistic real-time damage and physics make this sim the ultimate Monster Truck game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HOW TO PLAY – The game loads and you’re given 150,000 credit to buy your first truck. Scroll left and right to view all trucks. Once you’ve chosen your truck click ‘BUY’. You’re now able to compete in either Single Event or Championship. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For technical support or feedback, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERMISSIONS We require WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE to keep backwards compatibility with our game

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Monster Truck Added: Grim. Miscellaneous performance and stability fixes.


  • • Thrilling and destructive gameplay • Realistic truck physics and a dynamic damage system • Drag, Freestyle, and Championships to compete in.

Informații suplimentare

Publicat de

ODD Games Pty Ltd

Dezvoltat de

ODD Games

Data lansării


Dimensiune aproximativă

116,76 MB

Evaluare după vârstă

Pentru vârste de 3 ani și mai mari

Această aplicație poate

Utilizează dispozitive care acceptă serviciile NFC
Vă accesează conexiunea la internet
Vă accesează conexiunea la internet și acționează ca un server.


Obțineți această aplicație în timp ce sunteți conectat la contul Microsoft și instalați-o pe cel mult zece dispozitive Windows 10.

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English (United States)

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