

This is a solitary game. To play Same you have to remove most of the tiles by zone. Zones are made of adjacent identical tiles. You can select different game levels (3, 4 or five colors). You can select different board size with the Setup menu. The base score is displayed on the status bar. It is incremented by the zone size value. Only zone above two tiles are accounted for. You have to take the larger zone to get a good score. Playing fast increase the final score. Playing with four or five colors increase the score. Best players are those solving the board in less time than others, taking large zones with more colors.. This is the classic Same Game with undo / redo facilities. support for seventeen languages (German (Germany),English (United States),Arabic (Saudi Arabia),Bangla (Bangladesh),Chinese (China),Spanish (Spain),French France),Hindi (India),Hungarian (Hungary),Italian (Italy),Japanese (Japan),Malay,Dutch (Netherlands),Norwegian (bokmål) (Norway),Portuguese (Portugal),Russian (Russia),Swedish (Sweden)). Ten tilsets are availables. Disabled people support thru the keyboard.

Capturi de ecran

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Informații suplimentare

Publicat de

Daniel F Valot

Drept de autor

Copyright Daniel F Valot 2024

Dezvoltat de

Daniel F Valot

Data lansării


Dimensiune aproximativă

36,66 MB

Evaluare după vârstă

Pentru vârste de 3 ani și mai mari


Puzzle și trivia

Această aplicație poate

Accesează toate fișierele, dispozitivele periferice, aplicațiile, programele și registry-ul dvs.


Obțineți această aplicație în timp ce sunteți conectat la contul Microsoft și instalați-o pe cel mult zece dispozitive Windows 10.

Acest produs trebuie instalat pe hard diskul intern.

Limbă acceptată

English (United States)

Termeni suplimentari

Politica de confidențialitate Same-Solitaire
Termenii tranzacției
Termenii licenței Same-Solitaire
Same Game is not Freeware or Shareware. It is licenced software. This SAME Software is owned by Daniel F Valot . You are granted a nonexclusive license to use this SAME Software solely for your own use. The user shall not commercially distribute, sublicense, resell, or otherwise transfer for any consideration, or reproduce for any such purposes, the SAME software or any modification or derivation thereof, either alone or in conjunction with any other product or program. Further, the user shall not modify the SAME Software, other than for his own use. THE SAME SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED TO THE USER AS IS . THE AUTHOR MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE SAME SOFTWARE AND/OR ASSOCIATED MATERIALS PROVIDED TO THE USER, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND AGAINST INFRINGEMENT. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY --THE AUTHOR SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIMS OR DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, INCLUDING PROPERTY DAMAGE, PERSONAL INJURY, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFRINGEMENT, LOSS OF PROFITS, OR INTERRUPTION OF BUSINESS, OR FOR ANY SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED, WHETHER ARISING OUT OF BREACH OF WARRANTY, CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE.

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