

The sorcerer has taken the colour of the world and has trapped it all in 7 crystals which are scattered over the world. This process caused a huge explosion of energy and the protagonist was blown deep into the forest while the now evil sorcerer flees. You must traverse the land, encounter many enemies, and search for the lost crystals of colour. You notice that the world is all grey, everything from the sky above your head to the grass beneath your feet. You must traverse the landscape and explore deserted factories, expansive caves, haunted forests, high treetops, scorched deserts, and a train station in search for the crystals of colour and then make your way to the sorcerer to face him and restore colour to the world. You finally face him in an epic battle to decide whether colour will return to the world or not. Will the world remain grey forever? It is up to you to decide. A 2016 Australian STEM Video Game Challange Winner (Year 9 - 12) *This app is not usable with touch input and requires a mouse and keyboard.

Capturi de ecran

Noutăți din această versiune

- Updated main engine to version 2 - Auto Saving! - Option to continue from last save point. - New menus - Updated to full 1080p Resolution support - Improved cut scenes - Altered a few levels - Other minor bug fixes


  • Custom Artwork and Graphics
  • Custom Soundtrack
  • Hand Crafted Story

Informații suplimentare

Publicat de

Infinity Spectrum

Data lansării


Dimensiune aproximativă

31,65 MB

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English (United States)

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