

Sudoku Royale is great for users of every level from beginners to more advanced users! With 3 levels of difficulty, there is no end to the puzzles you can play. Sudoku Royale generates new puzzles on the fly so there is no limit to the number of games you can play! Each puzzle has a single, unique, solution and can be completed using logical deductions. Sudoku Royale also includes several features to help you improve your Sudoku solving skills, including Hints and Auto-Fill powerups. Additionally, the game highlights mistakes so that you never end up having to start a puzzle over. Your game is saved locally and can be resumed and completed at a later time. Every day, you can also complete the daily challenge. Compete with your friends to see who can complete the challenge the fastest or with the highest score. Everyone gets the same challenge every day! Complete the challenge to earn coins to spend towards powerups.

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Play the Best Sudoku now!


  • Realistic gameplay and graphics
  • Intuitive single player gameplay
  • Daily Challenges! Come back every day for an additional chance to earn coins!
  • 3 difficulty options
  • Extensive Statistics, including games played breakdown.
  • Facebook integration - personalize your game and save your progress.

Informații suplimentare

Publicat de

North Sky Games

Drept de autor

2019, North Sky Games

Data lansării


Dimensiune aproximativă

205,66 MB

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English (United States)

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