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+ Oferă achiziții în cadrul aplicației


🍪 Here come some tasty Word Cookies hot out of the oven! Take a bite! 🍪 Word Cookies is an addictive cross between all the word games you love! With so many exciting challenges, you'll soon be obsessed with testing your spelling and vocabulary limits to make as many words as you can! HOW TO PLAY • Swipe the alphabet cookies on the baking pan to spell words. • Fill up Jack's cookie jar with extra words you find to earn coins! SPECIAL FEATURES • LOTS OF LEVELS: We are always adding more levels to the 2000+ we already have! • KEEPS YOUR BRAIN ACTIVE: Highly entertaining & educational for everyone! • DAILY REWARDS: Play everyday to earn bonus rewards! • HINTS AVAILABLE: Shuffle the letters to spark your memory, or use hints to get clues! • NO TIME LIMITS: Take your time and go at your own pace! • FREE TO PLAY: The word puzzles are all free, but you can pay for extra hints or to remove ads. • SUPPORTED ON VARIOUS DEVICES: Enjoy on smartphone or tablet! PRIVACY POLICY •

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429,99 MB

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